Contemporary World Wall Map by Globe Turner
Contemporary World Wall Map by Globe Turner
Contemporary World Wall Map by Globe Turner
Contemporary World Wall Map by Globe Turner

Contemporary World Wall Map by Globe Turner


Regular price $59.95
-1 in stock

  • National Capitals
  • International Boundaries
  • Major Physical Features

Perfect for home, business, or school, this Contemporary World Wall Map combines bright, attractive colors with high-detailed cartography. Details on this World Wall
Map include: international boundaries and national capitals along with other major cities; major physical features such as mountain ranges, major mountain peaks, island chains, and deserts; and major water features such as oceans, seas, gulfs, and rivers.

Special features include ivory-colored oceans and a black  decorative border.This map of the world uses the Van Der Grinten projection.

This edition features the new country names of Eswatini and North Macedonia, a new capital city for the country of Palau, Ngerulmud, and a change in name of the capital city of Kazakhstan from Astana to Nursultan.