This beautiful laminated map/poster depicts the major and minor aquifers in Texas and describes their importance as part of the water cycle in supplying ground water for Texas. Information used in making this map was compiled primarily from maps and data at the Texas Water Development Board, the State agency charged with oversight of ground-water resources.
This map comes rolled and ships in a sturdy cardboard tube.
Oil and Gas Map of Texas
Regular price
-15 in stock
Paper or laminated
36" W x 47" H
Source: UT Bureau of Economic Geology
Includes Top Oil and Top Gas Plays
Data from the Railroad Commission of Texas
Texas has produced more oil and natural gas than any other state and to date remains the largest daily producer. Oil and natural gas are found in most parts of the state. No state or any other region worldwide has been as heavily explored or drilled for oil and natural gas as Texas. This beautiful laminated map/poster shows the oil and gas development in Texas in great detail and will be a compliment to any office or classroom.
Geology of Texas
Regular price
-25 in stock
Paper or laminated
36" W x 47" H
Source: UT Bureau of Economic Geology
Depicts Surface Geology for Texas
Includes a Cross Referenced Stratigraphic Column
This attractive map/poster from the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology depicts surface geology for the state and includes a cross referenced stratigraphic column.
Vegetation/Cover Types of Texas Poster
Regular price
-4 in stock
Paper or laminated
36" W x 48" H
Depicts 53 Cover Types
Includes 47 Plans Associations
Source: UT Bureau of Economic Geology
This beautiful map/poster shows vegetation in Texas divided into 53 cover types, including 47 plant associations of 2 or 3 characteristic species. The great diversity of plants in Texas and extensive modification of the landscape by land use are conveyed in the map explanation.
Includes Rivers, Basins, Aquifers, Cities and Counties
Great Resource to Study Texas Hydrology
This wonderful laminated map from the Texas Water Development Board not only shows the major rivers of Texas and their basins, but also includes reserviors, major aquifers, major cities and counties . An excellent resource for anyone wanting to understand Texas hydrology.
This map comes rolled and ships in a sturdy cardboard tube.
History of Oil in Texas
Regular price
-14 in stock
Paper or laminated
36" W x 36" H
Depicts all Texas Oil Discoveries 1866-1950
Includes early refineries and pipelines
Inset diagrams of rotary drilling rig and cable tools
Most historians agree that Texas was the birthplace of the modern oil industry. When Anthony F. Lucas brought in the Spindletop gusher on 1/10/1901 using the rotary drilling method, it ushered in a new era of oil production. This map locates all of the significant oil discoveries in Texas from the beginning in 1866 through the 1950s. Early refineries and pipelines are also shown as well as diagrams of cable tool and rotary drilling rigs.
Interested in a framed version of this map? Click HERE
Ecoregions of Texas Map
Regular price
-17 in stock
Paper or laminated
24" W x 24" H
Source" Multiple State Agencies
Depicts the Biological Diversity of Texas
This large laminated map depicts the enormous ecological and biological diversity of Texas. The state contains barrier islands and coastal lowlands, large river floodplain forests, rolling plains and plateaus, forested hills, deserts, and a variety of aquatic habitats. There are 12 level III and 56 level IV ecoregions shown on this handsome map produced by the USEPA, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the US Dept. of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the USGS and other State of Texas agencies and universities.