Ecoregions of Texas Map

Ecoregions of Texas Map


Regular price $39.95
-17 in stock

  • Paper or laminated
  • 24" W x 24" H
  • Source" Multiple State Agencies
  • Depicts the Biological Diversity of Texas

This large laminated map depicts the enormous ecological and biological diversity of Texas. The state contains barrier islands and coastal lowlands, large river floodplain forests, rolling plains and plateaus, forested hills, deserts, and a variety of aquatic habitats. There are 12 level III and 56 level IV ecoregions shown on this handsome map produced by the USEPA, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the US Dept. of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the USGS and other State of Texas agencies and universities.
Click HERE for a detail view of this map.